about the author

Prosha Maksym Vasyliovych, born in 1969, doctor, lives in Kyiv (Ukraine). He works as a consultant in the field of phytotherapy at the company "EKOMED". In the past, he worked as a teacher at the Department of Histology and Embryology, first at the Ukrainian National Medical University, then at the Medical Institute of the Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine. The dissertation is devoted to wound healing in conditions of nerve damage and the local influence of neurotransmitters. The morphological past of the author may affect the choice of works in this project - structural asymmetry seems more interesting and important to him than functional; he tries to fight this drawback.

The author's native language is Ukrainian. If you have difficulty understanding the shades of meaning in the English version of the site, you can translate any text from Ukrainian using your translator.

The author dedicates this work to two people - his beloved wife, who created the necessary asymmetry in the distribution of family responsibilities, and his first scientific supervisor - V.D. Dyshlovoy, head of the biology department of the Kyiv Medical Institute (1968-1989).