Tips for adding

Anyone can add to the database. His contribution during the day will become part of this project. To be able to top up, registration is required. But before you submit a research paper, ask yourself the following questions:


     1. Does this scientific work correspond to the topic of the project? The work should be about directional asymmetry, that is, the difference between right and left at the population level. Works where individual laterality is described, without a right or left parameter preference at the group level, are not considered here.

     2. Is this work based on factual data? Papers with their own research are published here, and reviews (or meta-analyses) with a clear conclusion. In the annotations of works, by the way, it is desirable to convey first of all facts and conclusions from them, because there may not be enough space for hypotheses and theorizing.

     3. Are these facts new to the project? Look, maybe there is already a work of the same or another author in the database, where similar conclusions have already been made. Establishing priority is not the main thing here; perhaps a later work incorporates material from an earlier work and expands on it. Please evaluate the novelty and importance of the work before entering it into the database.

     4. Is this scientific work published in a periodical (paper or electronic), is it a book or a dissertation, or at least accepted for publication? It is necessary to specify the data on the publication of the standard sample. Please do not submit unpublished works, manuscripts, and oral reports.

     5. Does my summary of the work adequately and unambiguously reflect the main point? It is preferable to write in simple words and short sentences. Also, please do not quote sentences from the printed work, but convey the facts and conclusions in your own words. It is not necessary to try to retell the entire work if only a part of it relates to the project topic.

     6. If the research paper is about a well-developed topic that has hundreds and thousands of publications, is it important enough to be posted here? There are many publications on the topic of functional asymmetry of the brain, genetic mechanisms of early establishment of the right-left axis of the embryo, and the fate of neurons of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. In such cases, priority is given to reviews and meta-analyses that summarize the material.

     7. How easy is this work to be understood by those who are not specialists in the given topic? Of course, this project is more scientific than popular science. However, if the field is difficult to understand, please simplify the job description as much as possible by using as simple terms as possible, avoiding abbreviations, and clarifying the conclusions. The work as a whole should be understood by anyone with a basic medical or biological education.


How to make a meaningful, clear, and short text? Introductory or concluding sentences without content load are not required. But an introductory sentence is acceptable, which will clarify for a non-specialist in this topic what will be discussed (for example, to which taxon the object of research belongs or what function this part of the brain performs). Information about objects and methods can be very abbreviated. Introductory hypotheses and formulation of the purpose of the work are optional. Priority is given to the results of the work, first of all, to the facts. Conclusions are necessary when it is not easy to understand the result of the work from the actual data or when the facts are very numerous. Avoid abbreviations, except for the most well-known ones (EEG, MRI, CT). Use simple grammar and unambiguous words. Avoid duplication of information, for example, you should not write about the purpose of the work if the conclusions show what its purpose was; it is not necessary to list research methods if the results show which methods were used. Please do not copy parts of the text from the publication (this may be a copyright violation), but convey the content in your own words. It is desirable to indicate the age and gender of biological objects because these factors can significantly affect the strength and direction of various types of asymmetries.

In many works, the phenomenon of asymmetry is considered not by itself, but in connection with other indicators that may not be lateralized (for example, the connection between left-eyedness and schizophrenia). In such cases, the factors that are the causes or consequences of asymmetry, or simply correlate with it, must also be cataloged. It is especially important to mark all the necessary parameters in the SYSTEMS AND ORGANS category.

If you see any errors in the work or have other comments, write about it briefly and politely in a comment to the work. If acquaintance with the work is limited to the abstract, indicate this in the comment.

The author of the project reserves the right to moderate your contribution or send it to you for revision.